We’re Back!!
It’s been a long time and we’ve missed our fellow calligraphy lovers.
To kick off a new chapter, we are happy to announce an exciting workshop with Patti Adams. In addition to being an extrordinary teacher, Patti is an extremely talented artist and calligrapher. It is a privilege to have her conduct our first workshop as we continue our exploration of the lettering arts.

Workshop space is limited to the first 20 registrations received with full payment by Wednesday, October 9th. You may submit your registration by email to neworleanscalligraphy@gmail.com but your workshop fee must be received by the deadline in order to confirm your registration. Workshop registration is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and others will be added to a waiting list. Please download the registration form below and include it with your payment.
Please send a check made payable to: NOLAA
Mail check and Registration Form to:
NOLAA, 3812 Bauvais Street
Metairie, LA 70001
Please note that the total fee per day is $25.00. There is no separate supply fee. It is included the the workshop fee.
If you have any questions, please contact us: neworleanscalligraphy@gmail.com
Workshop Supply List
A pencil and good eraser
A 12” metal, cork-backed ruler
Your favorite penholder(s) and nibs
Your favorite watercolors, inks and/or gouaches for lettering
A few Q-tips
A soft polishing cloth (like you would use for eyeglasses)
Paper towels
Two small containers for water
A black or sepia waterproof pen (such as a Micron) size 005 and/or 01
A small mixing palette
3 synthetic watercolor brushes
1” flat brush for applying glues and paint
Size 0 round brush for detail work
Size 4 round brush for mixing pigments and feeding your nib
A notebook for taking notes!
And bring a lunch – you can store things in the Academy’s kitchen.
A small light for your table. (a good idea to bring an extension cord as well!)
Light pad
Arches HP watercolor paper, 90lb or 140 lb
Or any of your favorite calligraphy papers you’d like to share!