2013 January Meeting

The 2013 January Meeting

will be held at the East Bank Regional Library.

Meeting time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Mark Parfait will give a presentation on the Graceful Envelope.  Then he and Laverne will focus on duplicating several envelopes. Laverne will also show us some creative and fun alphabets for addressing envelopes.

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NOLAA Library Book Description

Hi All! As you know or maybe you do not know, NOLAA has a wonderful library. And as part of the perks for being a member, these books are at your disposal; all you have to do is ask. If you are interested in a library book please email the guild at neworleanscalligraphy@yahoo.com and the book will be brought to the next meeting. (Please send request at least a week prior to meeting.)

We will occasionally highlight different books from the library. So here goes. . .


Artist & Alphabet

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December Meeting

Come join us for our annual Christmas Card Exchange and Celebration.

To be held at the Old Metairie Library on December 15th at 10:00 am.

Please bring one handmade Christmas card to be randomly exchanged. Also, bring your favorite party food.

We will be having a time for Scribe & Describe, so bring your current project to share with the group.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Merry Christmas!

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Photographs From Carrie Imai Workshop

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November Meeting

ENVELOPES…LET’S START! First, you draw lines…

Drawing lines! A no-brainer, you say???

Come and see several methods to make those necessary yet tedious and frustrating little devils!

Share your method and what works for you. We’ll learn then practice and then apply.

We’ll attempt some alternate ways to address those envelopes and add some zing to our holiday mail.

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