2014 May Meeting

The May Meeting will be held at East Bank Regional Library on May 10th.

The meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

It’s hard to believe that another year has flown by!

    This month were are happy to have Gina Cox demonstrate the                  “Miracle Wedge Brush“.

This is the same brush used by White House calligrapher, Pat Blair, at an IAMPETH round robin last year.

Gina will show us how to make beautiful flower designs that can be combined with the Pointed Pen techniques we learned at previous meetings and the Kathy Milici workshop.

If you don’t have a Miracle Wedge Brush don’t worry.  Gina will set hers up so that everyone can try their hand at it.

Since Mother’s Day is May 11th she will have mat board in various colors and sizes along with some Mother’s Day quotes that everyone can use.

If you would like to make a card bring your favorite paper or card stock.

Materials List



White ink or gouache

Your favorite pointed pen nib & holder

Paper or card stock

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April 12, 2014 Meeting Canceled

Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts we must regretfully cancel our meeting scheduled for April 12th.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and sincerely hope you will join us for our next meeting on     May 1oth.

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2014 March Meeting

sample showcard script 300 dpi

The March meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on March 8th.

Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Showcard Script

The March meeting will be a hands-on demonstration of Showcard Script by Yvette Rutledge and Vince Mitchell of Mystic Blue Signs.
The tradition of showcards was a major advertising force in the early to mid-1900’s, when advertising agencies and department stores employed showcard writers to make their temporary signs.
The artists were trained with Speedball-style pens, but for speed and clarity in larger formats, artists like EC Matthews and HC Martin also used brushes. With long brushes with flat ends and water-based paint like tempera, showcard artists made bold scripts with stylish layouts for point of purchase signs.
In our workshop we will try lettering some of these scripts.

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2014 February Meeting

elegant copperplate

The February meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on February 8th.

Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Elegant Copperplate

Everyone enjoys the elegance of Copperplate.  Please join us as one of our talented members, Cathie Farrish, demonstrates the basics of the Copperplate script.  Copperplate is one of the most requested hands in the calligrapher’s repertoire.  This demonstration will be an excellent preparation for the upcoming workshop with Kathy Milici.  All skill levels are welcome.

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2014 January Meeting

Write in White 1

The January meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on January 11th.

                                     Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM                             

Writing in White

We are excited to begin 2014 with a demonstration of writing in white.  Bring your paste paper from the November workshop and use it to write with white ink or gouache.

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2013 December Meeting

On December 14, 2013 we will have a Members Only Christmas Card Exchange and Potluck.

We would like to invite all NOLAA members to join us at Debbie Fleming’s house from 11:00 to 1:00.

Please R.S.V.P. Fe Laughlin at feclaughlin@gmail.com to let her know what you are planning to bring.

In January we will resume our regular meetings at the East Bank Regional Library.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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