Calligraphy Lessons

Throughout the year several of our members offer calligraphy classes.

Please click on Calligraphy Classes in the main menu to get information on upcoming events.

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2015 April Meeting

Fun, Fabulous Filigree

The April Meeting will be held at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library on April 11, 2015.

Meeting time is 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM.

Please join us a Maria-Helena Hoksch demonstrates using filigree to add decoration to your letters.  We will explore filigree in Medieval manuscripts and in the American Golden Age of Penmanship.  Maria-Helena will show how filigree can be adapted to contemporary  lettering and share some examples of her work.  She will also bring a set of Lombardic capitals that can be decorated or you can draw your own.  Be ready to play, let your creativity flow and have fun with filigree!

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Yves Leterme Workshops


It’s not too late!

There’s still time to join us for the unique opportunity to study with renowned Belgian lettering artist Yves Leterme.

Mr. Leterme will offer 2 two day workshops.

I. Drawn Capitals & Modern Versals- March 14 & 15 (Sat. & Sun.)

II. From Formal to Gestural-lowercase Italic – March 16 & 17

                                                                                                  (Mon. & Tues.)

Cost for each 2 day workshop: NOLAA Members – $150

                                                  Non Members – $175

If registering for both workshops:  NOLAA Members $250

                                                         Non Members $300

The workshop location is 1445 MacArthur Blvd., Harvey, LA

Click here for Drawn Capitals & Modern Versals brochure

Click here for Formal to Gestural brochure

Click here for Leterme registration form

Click here for NOLAA Membership Form 2014-2015

Click here for WORKSHOP POLICY

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Weekend at Rosaryville October 10, 11 & 12

We are anticipating a wonderful weekend at Rosaryville.

Among many other projects, Eugenia Uhl will present a demonstration on Coptic Bookmaking.

For those attending here is a short materials list provided by Eugenia.

small curved bookbinding needle

1-piece davey or mat board, 5.75 x9

20-8.5×11 pieces of paper, for inside book

30” book binding thread (we have lots that belongs to the Guild)

10 paper clips

2 medium binder clips

sumi ink and large brush OR decorative papers: 1-7.75×13 (for outside cover) and
1-5.5×8.5 (for inside cover), pvc glue, glue brush (I have a simple way of “decorating” a davey or mat board that makes a good cover.)

book cradle OR telephone book, for punching holes ( I have 2 cradles and can share)

paper cutter OR ruler, knife and cutting board, for cutting boards and papers (I’ll bring my paper cutter)

This only one of many exciting demonstrations.  So bring your favorite supplies including some good quality paper for an illuminated letter project.

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2014 Election

At the meeting on May 10th we will elect new officers for the upcoming term.

The current slate of nominations is as follows:

President–Debbie Fleming

Vice President–Yvette Rutledge

Treasurer–Eugenia Uhl

Corresponding Secretary–Roxanne Beard

Recording Secretary–Fe Laughlin

At this time we will also take nominations from the floor.

Please join us in thanking Georgia Basier  for two outstanding years of leadership and dedication.

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Carri Imai Workshop 2012

2 Day Workshop

With Carrie Imai

Oct. 20 – 21, 2012

9:30am to 4:30pm

(at Carla Ditta in Harvey)

Members: $120.00 Now$100.00

Non-members: $150.00

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