Monthly Meetings
2015 January Meeting
Exploring Different Hands The January meeting will be held at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library on January 10, 2015. Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM In September Eugenia Uhl reintroduced us to the Foundational hand. We will begin 2015 by exploring the Carolingian hand, which shares characteristics of Foundational and Uncial. A demonstration of Legende will follow along with an examination of its structure in comparison to other more familiar hands. Materials List Broad edge nib (Brause 2mm or Mitchell 2) or 2mm chisel edge...
read more2014 November Meeting
The November meeting will be held on November 8th at St. Francis Xavier. Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM November is upon us and Christmas not far behind. So to get you in the creative spirit we have planned a glittering program with an emphasis on gilding. Lisette Copping and Mary Dawes will discuss and demonstrate techniques used for Medieval illuminations concentrating on the various glues used for gilding illuminated manuscripts. After Lisette and Mary have shared their expertise, we will have a hands on project using Instacoll and...
read more2014 October Meeting
Rosaryville Retreat: NOLAA has been invited to attend Write from the Source, a special creative retreat at Rosaryville Spirit Life Center on the north shore the weekend of October 10-12. The weekend is focused on using letterforms as artistic expression through an open format of art workshops, allowing experienced letter lovers to work and study while newcomers can be introduced to tools and techniques, exploring different styles, or making books, creative…
read more2014 September Meeting
Foundational Hand: The first meeting of the year will be held on Saturday, September13, at the East Bank Regional Library (4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie) at 10:00 am. Member Eugenia Uhl will present the basics of the foundational hand, emphasizing weight, pen angle, branching and spacing. All levels of experience are welcome.
For the second half of the meeting we will write a page based on the layout of a medieval book, then decorate it with an initial letter. Eugenia will provide examples of initial letters and decorative borders…
read more2014 May Meeting
The May Meeting will be held at East Bank Regional Library on May 10th. The meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It’s hard to believe that another year has flown by! This month were are happy to have Gina Cox demonstrate the “Miracle Wedge Brush“. This is the same brush used by White House calligrapher, Pat Blair, at an IAMPETH round robin last year. Gina will show us how to make beautiful flower designs that can be combined with the Pointed Pen techniques we learned at previous meetings and the Kathy...
read moreApril 12, 2014 Meeting Canceled
Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts we must regretfully cancel our meeting scheduled for April 12th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and sincerely hope you will join us for our next meeting on May 1oth.
read more2014 March Meeting
The March meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on March 8th. Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Showcard Script The March meeting will be a hands-on demonstration of Showcard Script by Yvette Rutledge and Vince Mitchell of Mystic Blue Signs. The tradition of showcards was a major advertising force in the early to mid-1900’s, when advertising agencies and department stores employed showcard writers to make their temporary signs. The artists were trained with Speedball-style pens, but for speed and clarity in larger...
read more2014 February Meeting
The February meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on February 8th. Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Elegant Copperplate Everyone enjoys the elegance of Copperplate. Please join us as one of our talented members, Cathie Farrish, demonstrates the basics of the Copperplate script. Copperplate is one of the most requested hands in the calligrapher’s repertoire. This demonstration will be an excellent preparation for the upcoming workshop with Kathy Milici. All skill levels are welcome. Materials List Oblique pen...
read more2014 January Meeting
The January meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on January 11th. Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Writing in White We are excited to begin 2014 with a demonstration of writing in white. Bring your paste paper from the November workshop and use it to write with white ink or gouache. Writing in white is fun and dramatic. It can be used with any hand from Foundational to Copperplate for novel results. Be sure to bring along your latest work for all to enjoy...
read more2013 December Meeting
On December 14, 2013 we will have a Members Only Christmas Card Exchange and Potluck. We would like to invite all NOLAA members to join us at Debbie Fleming’s house from 11:00 to 1:00. Please R.S.V.P. Fe Laughlin at to let her know what you are planning to bring. In January we will resume our regular meetings at the East Bank Regional Library. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to...
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