2015 January Meeting

Exploring Different Hands

The January meeting will be held at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library on January 10, 2015.

Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

In September Eugenia Uhl reintroduced us to the Foundational hand.  We will begin 2015 by exploring the Carolingian hand, which shares characteristics of Foundational and Uncial.  A demonstration of Legende will follow along with an examination of its structure in comparison to other more familiar hands.

Materials List

Broad edge nib (Brause 2mm or Mitchell 2)


2mm chisel edge marker


practice paper



2 short quotes

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Merry Christmas

Thanks to all who attended this year’s Christmas Party.  We had a wonderful time enjoying good food & even better company.  As you can see below the Christmas cards were unique & inventive.  We are blessed with a talented membership.

To all those who were not able to attend, we missed your fellowship & hope to see you in the New Year.

Happy Holidays!

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2014 December Meeting

It’s time for our annual Members Only Christmas card exchange and pot luck luncheon.  It will be held on December 13th  at 11:00 AM at Debbie Fleming’s house.

Don’t forget to bring a handmade card and a dish to share.  This is a great time to show off all the techniques you’ve been honing throughout the year.

We always look forward to this event so we can relax and catch up before the holidays.

Don’t forget to RSVP.

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2014 November Meeting

all that glitters

The November meeting will be held on November 8th at

 St. Francis Xavier.

Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

November is upon us and Christmas not far behind.  So to get you in the creative spirit we have planned a glittering program with an emphasis on gilding.

 Lisette Copping and Mary Dawes will discuss and demonstrate techniques used for Medieval illuminations concentrating on the various glues used for gilding illuminated manuscripts.

After Lisette and Mary have shared their expertise, we will have a hands on project using Instacoll and Patent Gold Leaf.  Also bring your favorite gold media, such as gold inks, paints, gouache and pens, so that we can compare them with the real thing.

Please note the change of venue for November’s meeting.  

We will meet at St. Francis Xavier’s parish office building.

444 Metairie Road

Metairie, LA 70005

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Pictures from Rosaryville

Thanks to all who made our weekend at Rosaryville a wonderful experience.

Eugenia Uhl demonstrates book making

Eugenia Uhl demonstrates book making

Eve Rutledge & Vince Mitchell demonstrate printing techniques

Eve Rutledge & Vince Mitchell demonstrate printing techniques


LaVerne Parfait teaching basic Italic

LaVerne Parfait teaching basic Italic

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