Our dear friend Reggie Ezell has generously donated several of his DVDs to be given as door prizes. If you did not have the opportunity to attend his course or even if you were lucky enough to be a part of the class, this is a wonderul way to experience Reggie’s expertice.
Please join us on June 9th for a chance to win!
Saturday, June 9,2018
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
New Orleans Public Library
Mid City Branch
4140 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70119
Hello Valued New Orleans Lettering Association Member,
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Reggie Ezell’s 26 Seeds: A Year to Grow New Orleans Style
You are cordially invited to attend the opening reception for an extrordinary calligraphy exhibition:
Reggie Ezell’s 26 Seeds: A Year to Grow
New Orleans Style 2018
sponsored by the New Orleans Lettering Arts Association
& the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts
Saturday, March 3rd, 2018
5 – 8pm
New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts · 5256 Magazine Street · New Orleans
This show displays the artwork from a year-long calligraphy course with renowned master teacher and artist Reggie Ezell of Chicago, Illinois. The fifteen participants explored a multitude of lettering and design techniques with Reggie and celebrate with him his remarkable thirty-year teaching career.
The calligraphers who participated in 26 Seeds, New Orleans 2018, were Patti Adams, Michele Boyce, Troy Brooks, Carmel Cucinotta-Harmon, Lisa Devlin, Georgia Dufresne, Debra Fleming, Natalie Gaidry, Maria Helena Hoksch, Anne Kathryn Hunter, Fe Laughlin, Theresa Lutostanski, LaVerne Parfait, Petrea Tomko, and Eugenia Uhl.
The show will remain on display from March 3 through April 28, 2018. The Academy Gallery is open Monday through Friday 9am – 4pm and Saturdays 10am – 4pm.
The New Orleans Lettering Arts Association is deeply indebted to the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts for their gracious hosting of this calligraphy exhibition and to Reggie Ezell for his artistry and extraordinary teaching during all the many hours we spent together over this past year, celebrating the joys and challenges of calligraphic design.
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The Versal Letter with Peter ThorntonClass dates: Saturday, March 10 and Sunday, March 11 Class Times: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (we will brown bag it for lunch) Class Fees: NOLAA member $150; non-member $175 ($50 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your spot) Location: Carlo Ditta Meeting Room, 1445 Mac Arthur Avenue, Harvey, Louisiana Register by mail: Workshop Registration Form | NOLAA Membership Registration Form Register by PayPal: www. Peter Thornton, Professional Calligrapher for over 50 years and teacher for over 40 years. “Yep, I’ve been around the calligraphic block!” This is a 2 day workshop. It will be a gentle introduction to the (12th/13th century) decorative Versal capital letter and modern variants. Day 1 Day 2
We shall now focus on producing a more contemporary Versal letter that better suits our current needs and desire for inventiveness. Making small and quiet changes to the basic strokes (and serifs!) we shall immediately alter the ‘flavor’ and charm from the conventional decorative capital to one that both delights the eye and mind by simply breaking the pattern of our expectation. A feature of the workshop will be to show many exercises in class (and at home) that clarifies and simplifies, how to practice more effectively. Throughout will be many short talks and demonstrations and much sensitive personal tuition. ![]() Materials List: • Pencils, HB and, if possible, 4B or 8B Derwent Wash • Sharpening sand paper block • Borden and Riley Layout pad #37 (highly recommended) or similar (11″ X 8.5″ or 11″ X 14″ or 11″ X 17″) • Any better quality paper, e.g. Arches Text Wove, Arches MBM, Fabriano Ingres, Rives BFK or similar. • Small nibs, Rexel size 4, Brause or Tape 1.5mm, 1mm and/or smaller. • Gouache AND watercolours of your choice. • Mixing palette and water pots • Fine pointed brushes, size 2 and/or size 4 • Old brushes to load your nibs |
Sorry to Have Been Out of Touch
We have unfortunately had no success in securing venues for the upcoming meetings this year. So it is with great regret that we find it necessary to suspend our meetings in April and May. We continue to explore new meeting sites and if anyone has any suggestions for the future please pass them on.
Do to the infrequency of our meetings this year, we have decided to extend the current membership period through 2018. Therefore, if you joined NOLAA for the 2016-2017 year your membership will be in effect until May 2018.
On a happier note, congratulations to Amy Morvant who is this year’s recipient of IAMPETH’s Tate Grant. Amy will use her scholarship to attend the Spencerian Saga and we can’t think of a more talented or deserving candidate.
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