January 2017 Meeting

We have hit a snag in scheduling our January meeting.  Our usual venue, the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library, is updating its meeting rooms.  This is good news and bad.  It means that our future meetings there will have updated more user friendly equipment, however, the facility will be closed to us for January.  

Regretfully, we have been forced to cancel our January meeting.

      The bright spot on our horizon is the year long course with Reggie Ezell which begins in February.  There is still room in the class and those of us who have signed up to take it can’t wait to begin.  If you haven’t already given it full consideration, please do so.  It is a once in a life time opportunity to study with a most generous and talented calligrapher and teacher.


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October 2016 Meeting


Saturday, October 8, 2016

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

East Bank Regional Library

4747 West Napoleon Ave., Metairie

In September we began our study of Copperplate with the basic strokes and the lowercase letters.  We will continue our exploration of this elegant hand by focusing on the capital letters.  Copperplate capitals can be ornate and filled with flourishes or they can express the simple beauty of the oval and the compound curve.  Since you need a firm foundation on which to build, we will concentrate on the unadorned letters.  You have to walk before you can run.

Materials List

Oblique Pen Holder

Your favorite pointed nib (such as Hunt 101 or Nikko G)

Smooth practice paper  (such as Canson Pro Layout Marker or Borden & Riley Marker Paper)

Moon Palace Sumi Ink

Dinky Dips or Dappen Dish




Scratch Paper

Small Water Container

Paper Towels

To register for the October Meeting email  debra.fleming25@gmail.com

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September Meeting


Saturday, September 10, 2016

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

East Bank Regional Library

4747 West Napoleon Ave., Metairie

Welcome back to another year with the New Orleans Lettering Arts Association.  We have some wonderful events planned for a year that includes a not to be missed opportunity to study with Reggie Ezell.  If you have not already registered for this extraordinary year long course, there is still time.  You can even take advantage of the installment plan by using PayPal.


Copperplate calligraphy has become wildly popular.  So this year we will focus our general meetings on demonstrating this beautiful hand.  The September meeting will be an introduction to Copperplate.  It will include the very basics of using the pointed pen, the pressure and release technique and the lowercase letters.  This is a wonderful opportunity for beginners who have always wanted to learn to write in Copperplate script.  It also offers more advanced calligraphers the chance to hone their skills.

Materials List

Oblique Pen Holder

Your favorite pointed nib (such as Hunt 101 or Nikko G)

Smooth practice paper  (such as Canson Pro Layout Marker or Borden & Riley Marker Paper)

Moon Palace Sumi Ink

Dinky Dips or Dappen Dish




Small water containerPaper towels

Scratch Paper

Please don’t forget to register for the meeting:  http://www.neworleanscalligraphy.org/events/5/september-meeting/




Membership Form 2016-2017 website version

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26 Seeds: A Year to Grow


A Yearlong Course with Reggie Ezell

Treat yourself to a year of unparalleled instruction with 6 full weekends, every other month throughout 2017. The two-day classes are geared to all levels of expertise with Reggie as the consummate teacher, leading you to depths of creativity once thought beyond reach.  His methods have been proven effective and successful for nearly thirty years, sometimes encouraging not-so-gently, but always with humor. A full weekend being immersed in what we love to do is a justifiable reward for investing the time and money to make it happen.

Come and play for a year and watch what happens … you’ll surprise yourself and others!

To reserve your spot in the class, you will need to be a member of our guild (NOLAA) and send in a non-refundable deposit of $100. A payment plan will be available as follows: $100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your place, then $200 payments due on September, October, November, December, January, February, and March for the full $1500 fee. The overall cost of the workshop may decrease depending on the number of students. NOLAA will be covering Reggie’s monthly material fees. Class size is limited to 30 lucky people. The overall cost is less than $125 per day, well worth all the knowledge you will gain.  You can register by PayPal by clicking on the button in the main menu or by mail.


Class dates:
February 18 & 19, 2017
April 29 & 30, 2017
June 10 & 11, 2017
August 19 & 20, 2017
October 14 & 15, 2017
December 16 & 17, 2017

Class Times:
Promptly starts at 9:00 am, ends at 5-6 pm

Carlo Ditta
Meeting Room
1445 Mac Arthur Avenue,
Harvey, Louisiana

Eugenia Uhl


 Workshop registration form

Membership Form 2016-2017 

reggieezell.com/26seeds | A Letter to Prospective Students

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Calligraphy Lessons

Throughout the year several of our members offer calligraphy classes.

Please click on Calligraphy Classes in the main menu to get information on upcoming events.

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